Thursday, March 10, 2011

Problem in describing trees

     The poem begins by describing aspens turning and swaying in the wind of summer.  It is very specific in what actions are taking place.  The writer then reverses and takes a different path.  Hass explains that trees during summer are not at all like this.  They do not necessarily describe and paint a beautiful picture.  "It is good sometimes for poetry to disenchant us".  What is a poem that is not real?  Poems and stories receive more connection and understanding when they are more real and less stereotypical.  The last sentence is very general and allows the reader to trace their experiences and relate them to the poem.  With the visual created in the beginning of the poem, less leeway is given for the reader to create their own world.

1 comment:

  1. Can you stay on the quote a bit longer? Unpack "good"; unpack "poetry"; unpack "disenchant." What does the inclusion of this line in the poem highlight? Does a poem -- or any work of art -- usually mesmerize us? Why is this good? What kind of altered sensibility is generated by art?

    Unpack in total. Be generous. Write copiously. Spin. Imagine. Dance.
