Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sentences as Babies

     A sentence starts out like a child who has just been born.  So new and basic that you just tend to stare at it.  You watch this child grow older in front of your eyes.  There are times when you might not like your child and maybe wish he or she was never been born.  But, you grow to love this child until you set him or her off in the world to get judged by society.  A sentence is the same way, after much time fixing and revising it, there comes a time where you send it off to an audience.  The sentence and the child will always be yours, if you never let go of it and try and forget it, it will be useless to society.  Although maybe not being seen, there is a binding contract you share with your sentence and wherever it goes, its origin will always remain with you.

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