Sunday, April 24, 2011

Chapter 3: Hypertext and the Remediation of Print

Observe:  This group followed their chapter chronologically and would constantly refer back to the title of the chapter.  This was an effective way to remind the viewer what the main idea is.  The main objective and use of hypertext was constantly enforced.  For the most part this group did a good job of explaining the quotes.  But, some were left without being backed up which left it difficult to understand.  This group did not use pictures or video which was an interesting choice.  But, since Hypertext was the main focus, the absence of image was not hindering.

Infer:  Hypertext is slowly becoming more popular then standard print.  It is quicker and more productive.  Ideas are organized and sorted effectively.  Also, the reader does not have to search for a topic but instead find a link that organizes this content.  In a fast-paced society, this hypertext is becoming more attractive then standard print.

Question:  Does hypertext take away from the "more official" print?
                Do you think hypertext is dangerous? Or does it provide an effective way to find information?
                Do you believe there will be another remediation of print?
                Why did your group decide to not use images or video?
                Why are people complaining about the overuse of hypertext?
                Do you think less prestigious and known documents will be produced because of the diminishing use of standard print?


  1. I don't think hypertext is dangerous and when it is used in the correct way it can be very beneficial. I think they can be an asset for a researcher, a student, or just a common person browsing online.

  2. #2 I think that hypertext is efficient and allows our technological society easily find the information they need.
