Sunday, April 24, 2011

Chapter 4: The Breakout of the Visual

Observe:  This group created a prezi on a light blue, comforting background.  The only text that was used were quotes, the group also included pictures and a youtube video.  The presentation showed the differences and similarities of image and text.  They defined and described Moos and other terms thoroughly.  The presentation would have been stronger if the group had went more into detail for their quotes.  Since just quotes were used, it was sometimes confusing and did not make sense without being explained.  The reinforcement of images and youtube video were very effective in conveying the differences between verbal and visual arrangements.

Infer:  Words are slowly being taken over by images.  Many years ago, image was used to back up text but now that has changed.  Newspapers combine image and text to convey a stronger meaning, the World Wide Web has done the same.  Images, in a way, are creating their own alphabet; even words need pictures to reinforce their idea.

Question:  Do you think that pictures are more powerful then words?
                Do you believe that images and visuals will take over text and create a new language?
                Can image or text alone be more persuasive then both together?
                What are the value of MOOs?
                Why did you use only quotes in your presentation?
                Does the use of images suit a certain type of audience or do visuals attract everyone?


  1. I do feel that pictures are more powerful then words. While it may take a whole paragraph, or even a book to send across a statement or idea, it can take one simple, yet powerful image to create any kind of emotion. One can change a mind, create a statement, or put across an emotion but showing or seeing one image.

  2. I do personally feel that pictures are more powerful than words. Pictures reach audiences more directly than words alone. They enhance our understanding of the text. Pictures can help break any language barriers. Words can only describe and try to let the reader imagine, while pictures let you see things directly. A picture speaks a thousand words.
