Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Electronic Book

     My group focused on Chapter 5 and the electronic book.  We learned about text and how its view has changed overtime.  We decided to begin the prezi with the title of the chapter in large, bold letters.  This was to implant in the viewer's mind our main point of the presentation.  We organized our points in order they were written.  The title of each section was displayed before we moved onto our next point.  By doing this, the points do not seem random and jumping from topic to topic.  Our group combined direct quotes from Bolter and our own ideas.  We wanted the presentation to be original and not all Bolter's points.  The combination of image, video and text served effective for driving our point home.  Image and video enforced the points we made by text very well.
     It was important to begin our presentation by explaining the history of text.  We explained the codex and how it has evolved.  Giving the viewer a background on text is crucial because jumping right into electronic books would leave the viewers confused.  The Middle Ages served as the first time text and image were put together to convey a message.  This evolved into books today that use image and text as well.  Electronic books have taken image and text and added hypertext.  After giving a brief history of encyclopedias, our group explained how electronic encyclopedias use hypertext to organize a vast number of topics effectively.  These encyclopedias can be organized in as many ways as the reader can imagine.
     Electronic books have reinforced what digital text is communicating.  That people can organize their ideas in any which way they please.  With hypertext, one can travel through a sea of information with just a few clicks.  This makes writing and reading easier and faster.  Electronic books have adapted with society, as did printed books when they were first used.  Our group did a good job explaining the use of electronic books; there was not much I would have done differently in our presentation.  By using image, text and video, Alex, Luke and I were able to draw from many different sources to convey how hypertext and the electronic book have evolved with society.

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