Sunday, April 24, 2011

Chapter 6: Refashioned Dialogues

Observe:  This group explained the order of text and how it is important.  They used youtube videos very early in the presentation.  I enjoyed the videos and visuals early because it kept me involved and interested in the prezi.  The videos and images were relevant and put a different spin to the text that normally would not have been read.  Storytelling and how it involves and audience was also evaluated.  The group also discussed graphic design and how communication occurs on the Web.  The groups final points resolved around Plato and Socrates and their discussion that dialogue is better then writing because it is more real and argumentative.

Infer:  Conversation and making sense to an audience is a very important factor in producing text or dialogue.  Text does not have to be linear but can also be scattered.  Printed text, digital text and dialogue all share similar traits; the main being communicating an idea to the reader or viewer.  Expressing an idea is very different written down then if someone were to tell it.  Students are benefiting from the new digital age, as there are many interactions and methods for them to be taught.

Questions:  Do you think it is more or less effective to have text in a linear order?
                  Why did you choose the two pictures of the road and its different directions?
                  Do you believe dialogue is stronger then text?
                  Is the strong use of digital learning methods in schools good or bad for students?
                  Can arguments be as persuasive textually as they are verbally?
                  Are images stronger then they used to be?


  1. Although text is changing, I still feel that it is more powerful to have text in a linear order. I think that it is more easy to understand and it is what people are used to reading from the very beginning on writing.

  2. #3 Dialogue can be "stronger" than text half sometimes, and text can be "stronger" than dialogue sometimes. For example, a movie script may look dry or bland to the average person, but once a skilled actor recites his or her lines, they seem to jump off the page. Oppositely, a good book or poem read aloud may sometimes come off as unnatural or strange. Because the two mediums of communication are so different, they must be judged separately.

  3. Response to Question 6:

    Images are not more powerful than they once were. Instead, they're being used in a greater capacity, allowing for readers to become accustomed to them. We more readily accept text with images side-by-side. As electronic writing and even print utilize this cohesion of text and visual, images are becoming more useful and therefore, it can give off the misconception that images somehow changed from the past. Blue is still blue. However, coupled with the other multimedia elements of today's electronic writing space, it is conveyed is a better light, creating greater truth.

  4. About question four: In my high school at least three teachers had smartboards (large touch based computer screens mounted on the walls of the classroom for anyone who doesn't know), and I never felt that they were of much use. I think it will take a long time before we realize the educational potential that comes from technology, and it will be even longer after that before we are able to use it effectively.

  5. I think images are stronger than they used to be thanks to advancements in technology specifically in graphics and videos. This is why they have returned and have become an important element in writing and presenting.
