Thursday, February 3, 2011

Laptops and their importance to society

     Over the years laptops have turned from a simple technological advance to a way of life.  Before laptops were invented, people had to be stationary to work on the computer.  With a constant moving and traveling society, staying in one place to work on the computer is impossible.  Technology over the times have adapted to fit societal norms.  Laptops have become more then just a way to write and search the internet.  Now, people can blog, listen to music and play games all on one system.  Laptops are taking over as the dominant technology of the human race.  Because so much can be done on one machine, this paves clear other competitions that can just run one power of the laptop.
     IBM is a prominent business that sells laptops.  They have been around since laptops and computers were first put into use.  IBM once had a slogan that read, "I think, therefore IBM".  The slogan is a play on words from the philosophical statement, "I think, therefore I am".  IBM uses this famous saying from Descartes to claim that anyone that thinks should have an IBM.  Since everyone thinks and functions with thoughts and ideas, IBM is exclaiming that everyone should own an IBM.  Also, since everyone has these ideas and wants to share them with the world, what better way then to use a laptop that can help you email, blog, and communicate with others.  This slogan alone shows that laptops have a potential to take over societies way to think in general.
     In todays world everything moves at a fast speed.  People use online banking for example because its faster and saves time.  Walking on the street in a populated area majority of people are seen rushing; rushing to work, to exercise, to pick up their children or even eat.  Deadlines and being on time is vital in today's society, this makes laptop use extremely popular.  By a few clicks of a button one can be surfing the internet or emailing a report.  Not only are these laptops used for fast-paced work situations but also for pleasure.  For children and teenagers, itunes and other music players offer ways to listen to music on a laptop.  This mixed with web chatting and blogging websites offers people to express themselves in many ways.  Laptops are of interest and appealing to all ages which makes them one of the most popular advances in technology.
     Computer companies have adapted to the fast paced society.  When buying a computer there are many offers for warranties and helping how to work the computer.  These are popular because laptops are crowded with every type of application.  These warranties and new applications are ways for computer companies to make money and to help customers.  These applications and warranty options help the consumer save time having to worry about the upkeep of their laptops.  Society is moving at such a fast pace that even the little ways to help people keep up are examined and utilized.


  1. Now that I've had a laptop for a number of years, I really can't imagine life without it! It has definitely contributed to an ease of life that would be hard to go without - I've written many papers on my laptop while riding a train in from the city - so convenient.

  2. Reading your blog, I found many similarities between your take on laptops and my take on iPods. We both touched on fast paced society demanding the best of the best and newest in technology devices to keep up with it.
