Sunday, February 27, 2011

Do you think the person who originally made the poem thinks yours is better?
     This is a very interesting question.  This question is raised anytime there is a remake of an original version.  There is always a critic or audience member that needs to know how the original artist felt about the remade work.  I believe Billy Collins is not making fun of or criticizing the original artists work.  I believe he rewrote a funny version of the poem as a way to create homage to the original writing.  The original poet would understand this and find Billy Collins version creative and funny.  If Collins had written a remake that jabs at or makes fun of the original, the first poet might not think so highly of it.  But, I believe Collins payed tribute to the poet while making a fun and enjoyable poem as well.

Do you feel that cliche metaphors are ineffective at conveying strong meaning?
     Billy Collins uses different and unique metaphors to convey his message in his poem.  In the original poem, it begins with a cliche line.  Then, Collins changes the words into his own, non-cliche lyrics to a hysterical poem.  I do not believe that Collins thinks that cliche metaphors are ineffective.  Instead, I think it is in the eye of the reader to decide whether a poem conveys a strong meaning or not.  Poems are meant for people to think and feel.  If one poem allows a person to do these things and another does not, it does not mean that one is more effective then another.  Although, anything if written to much can have less of an effect on people, it is in the eye of the reader that decides a poems meaning. 

Can you relate to this poem in one of your own relationships?
     I believe that every poet uses instances from their own lives to write their poems.  Everyone has relationships that they love, hate or are neutral about.  This poem is about love, everyone has love in their life in one way or another.  The best poems and stories are those that are personal but also relate to society as a whole.  I am sure that Collins had a relationship in his life that he thought about while writing the poem.  There is love in all life which is why this poem was so enjoyed and relatable.

1 comment:

  1. Run the whole of your blog (via its url) through wordle. What word is largest? (What word do you most use and rely upon?)

    Sometimes we keep container words close and ready to use, because we feel they are the quickest way to express meaning. Sometimes we rely on them too soon, and they come off as reductive.
